Barbecued Zucchini Rollups With Miyoko's Vegan Cheese

Agustus 09, 2017
Zucchini rollups for your next tapas party!

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Great Appetizer or Tapas
In our quest to use all of our garden zucchini, Doug and I created this delicious rollup. This combination uses Miyoko's Winter Truffle vegan "cheese" but you can use any of your favorites or, if you eat dairy, it would work well with a goat feta.

Since Doug loves roasted red pepper, we included that in the rollup but I can envision a schmear of pesto or hummus or olive tapenade. Use your imagination and your favorite ingredients - the combinations are endless. But they all begin with this BBQ'd zucchini. Here's how to do it.

First, make some basting sauce by mixing together the following:

Basting sauce Ingredients:
1/4 cup veggie broth
1/4 extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Use medium size zucchini (not giant ones) and slice vertically into 1/2-inch slices. If they are extremely long, first cut them in half vertically. 

Sliced zucchini and basting sauce
Heat the grill on medium and scrape off any residue from previous use. Reduce the heat to low. Place the zucchini on the grill.

Generously baste with the sauce.

Cook very slowly, turning and basting occasionally until nice and brown.
Cook until nice a brown

Even though they are brown and a little crispy, they will be pliable. Remove from the grill.

Get your fillings ready. For our "cheese", we selected Miyoko's Winter Truffle.

Lay the zucchini on a plate, put a dollop of "cheese" on the bottom and place a strip of roasted red pepper along the zucchini, or whatever other filling suits your fancy.

Roll it up and up a toothpick to hold it together. I placed a halved cherry tomato on top but you can also use an olive or a marinated artichoke heart.


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